NWHM Presents! Lessons in Leadership
Women have made great strides in the world of politics. However, in 2023, there are still many US cities that have never elected a woman to serve as mayor. While every candidate and mayor’s experiences in the process differ, enormous gender-based barriers persist. The 1887 election of Susanna Salter, America’s (and the world’s) first woman elected mayor who served, continues to shed light on today’s process, media representation, campaigning, resistance, and success of women in local politics. Join moderator Wendy Doyle of United WE, children’s author Karen M. Greenwald, Mayor Mattie Parker of Fort Worth, former Mayor Melina Carnicelli of Auburn (NY), and former Mayor Diana Smith of Seneca Falls (NY) for a discussion about their election victories, obstacles in office, and how Mayor Salter’s story reflects their own.
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